Psalm 136 KJV O give thanks unto the Lord ; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. How many of us are really thankful? So many times it’s hard to just be thankful, we got bills that take all of our money, children getting on your nerves,our spouse is driving us crazy, your job sucks. And this is just a few things on some days. But if we take a minute and look at our situation like yes, I have bills, but thank God I have the money to pay them, our children are healthy and we have food to eat, clothes to wear and shoes on our thank you lord for the blessings. I know it sounds crazy because most of us have never been in a situation where any of this was an issue. So that’s why when certain things happen we panic we get upset and irritated, and complain. We complain about the simplest things. So when you think about marriage especially your marriage how many times do you complain about your spouse not taking out the trash, doing t...