
Showing posts from November, 2017


Psalm 136 KJV   O give thanks unto the  Lord ; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. How many of us are really thankful?  So many times it’s hard to just be thankful, we got bills that take all of our money, children  getting on your nerves,our  spouse is driving us crazy, your job sucks. And this is just a few things on some days. But if we take a minute and look at our situation like yes, I have bills, but thank God I have the money to pay them, our children are healthy and we have food to eat, clothes to wear and shoes on our thank you lord for the blessings. I know it sounds crazy because most of us have never been in a situation where any of this was an issue. So that’s why when certain things happen we panic we get upset and irritated, and complain. We complain about the simplest things. So when you think about marriage especially your marriage how many times do you complain about your spouse not taking out the trash, doing t...

Make time for love:

A Valentin's Day Affair! If you are following us on Facebook then you already know, if not what are you waiting for? For Valentine's Day on February 10th next year, we will be hosting a night of fun, romance and comedy for married & engaged folks in the Greater Charlotte area! Tickets are available on . Please come out and support our first ever event. There will definitely be more and you are sure to get some great information, entertainment (music and comedy) and food! If you aren't following us on FB, do so here ! You can also sign up for our mailing list on the right. Just click the link to the right to be kept up to date with what we are doing and how we are encouraging married couples!

Bitter or better

This title alone holds so much weight, when I hear this it really makes me think. So many things can happen in this world in our lives that can leave a chip on our shoulders. Wether it’s childhood  hurt, family hurt Church hurt or relationship hurt. Usually with any of these things happen it’s by someone we trust or in a situation where we feel safe enough to let our guard down. So what do we do how do we move on, how do we not make others pay for the hurt that we have experienced? Do we stay mad?  Honestly, that’s easy to do when we are hurt. In some cases, our heart is broken in multiple pieces and we can’t begin to know how to patch it up, so why forgive, why trust. I guess the saying everyone likes to use is “burn me once shame on me burn me twice shame on you”. But is that really how it works is that how God wants us to approach situations? Not at all! At the end of the day we have to put it in God’s hand.  Forgiveness is not for that other person, it is for us. ...

Hot tempered but yet still saved!

We've been there, if you are married and breathing you've been there. Anytime you are dealing with anyone else and their own individual opinions some one is bound to get upset, especially when both parties are pretty are set. Arguing, hot tempered conversations, quarreling... Whatever you call it, most people don't like to talk about it.  From my experience, having a argument (or heated discussion) is a perfectly normal occurrence in any marriage. There are a few rules though that must be followed if there is to be growth afterwards. 1.  Be respectful  2. Keep your tone in check 3. Pray and ask God for guidance When talking to your spouse about a topic that can be pretty heated it is quite easy for a "shady" comment to slip out. Be respectful, be kind and be loving, even when it's hard to! Don't return shade with shade, that's a good way to stifle the conversation and miss out on the opportunity to connect with your spouse. This leads into the next rul...

I am NOT the perfect husband!

That's right, I said it... I am not perfect! When I came into my marriage 15 years ago, I had no idea what marriage truly was supposed to look like. No one told me the required amount of patience, forgiveness and sacrifice was needed in a marriage. Like really, someone should really come up with a numerical value to this and this numerical value needs to be agreed upon census. Like, 'we asked 10,000 married couples and per their level of expertise...' Even if that happened and every married couple was asked what they felt was the right amount of patience, forgiveness and sacrifice, would that be enough?  Even if that happened and every married couple was asked what they felt was the right amount of patience, forgiveness and sacrifice, would that be enough? What would their answer on? Most likely, if you provided and answer within your self, the first thing you probably thought about was how much you are willing to bear for someone else. That is alot to ask anyone.  I ...