Go thru!
Everyone goes thru hard times and married couples are of no exception. A popular misconception though is that just because there are 2 people involved one or both of them have to just get over whatever they are going thru in order to get by. 1. That totally dismisses the issue at hand and asks one or both of them to bury their feelings. Eventually those feelings (regarding whatever the issue is) will fester and mutate into something else and something as simple as the dishes not being down will blow up into a big thing. 2. Does NOT reconnect the couple back together and creates a sense of, oh well we are just stuck in this now. This eventually turns into resentment and possibly leads down other avenues that could be destructive to the relationship. Having found out first hand, there is a big difference between getting over something and getting thru something. Imagine drilling a hole deep into the ground and you come across a huge rock, you have 2 options, dig around that rock or...