
Showing posts from August, 2019

Relationships and communication

You'll never establish a (functional) relationship or repair one without communication followed by understanding. It doesn't matter if the relationship is with your spouse, children, other family members or God. When you talk to it, the relationship will grow. In which direction is determined by the energy you place behind the communication Transparency: I USED to think that it was just enough that I was at work all day and coming home, to me then that was relationship enough as I had never seen or experienced anything more than that. A relationship is lit-er-al-ly defined as "a way in which people are connected" It never really dawned on me that I claimed to be in this relationship but I am not really communicating with this person and how they might feel about it. If you look at it this way, I was being selfish with my time, effort and energy but expected time, effort and energy when the kids went to bed (😋) An emotional investment is just that, an inv...