Are you worried????
Philippians 6-7 (message Bible) states: Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.
How many of us worry about our marriages our futures our significant others?
We're human so it's so easy to do.
And we live in a society full of choices, there are even some men and women who can know somebody is in a relationship, and be ok with being the "side piece".
None of this is what marriage is about....
But if we give our marriages to God, and keep him in our marriage, we have nothing to worry about because at the end of the day God has us.
I know sometimes we try to control things we might tell our spouse who they can or who they can't talk to, or where they can or can't go.
That's not a relationship, that's ownership.
And if that person wants to do something, guess what, they will.
You can't control your spouse you can't change an Adult, Someone is only going to be faithful If they want to, not because of perimeters you set for them.
The only way to have security is by having faith.
Not in that person, but in God.
Pray, I know we get tired of hearing it sometimes, but Prayer does work.
Give it to God especially if you're tired of fighting loosing battles. And sometimes we are fighting with our selves.
What do I mean by that????
A lot of times our spouses love us and are faithful. But do to past hurts and trust issues we allow our minds to control us.
So we stress and worry, Give your fears and insecurities to God through praying.
Because with God in your corner you will be ok.
I have witnessed a marriage be on the final straw and God put it back together, because even though they were through with each other God wasn't through with them.
I'm not saying sometimes our feelings are not true.
But if you truly keep the third ring in your marriage. God will take care of you.
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