It's moving day!

Just an encouraging word for someone out there today...

I realize that there are many people out there that are hurt and frustrated, just like I used to be. I realize this, that life sometimes, just isn't fair. Things happen that you just can't control and why you right? I've heard it all before and will probably someday right a book about it, but until YOU decide to move on, that is exactly where you will stay. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it. So decide to stay right there where you are, or get over yourself and everyone else, and MOVE! The thing about moving, the hardest part in moving is the act itself, but many hands make for lite work. Go call your friends and family, the reliable ones, that you know don't mind helping you out! You know who that is too!

Where you decide to stay emotionally is completely up to you. You must make a choice on who you are going to be, if you can't make a choice or your ego is too big to get over, then you are letting someone else other than yourself dictate your destiny....


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