Its a new day!
As I write this, I am sitting here reflecting over my life over the past year, the grace of God, the blessings and grace that I have reaped because of my family and I just thank God for it all! Things this time right now as I celebrate my 34th birthday could be so different, but because I made the choice within my soul, that I love God, not just the things of God, but God himself, things have turned around in a way I could not have even imagined!
My marriage has not always been a bed of roses, nor has it always felt like we involved the love of Christ in it, but when we made a conscious decision that we were not just married to each other, that we were married to Christ as well, things changed! Not just in our marriage though, but my whole outlook on life!
I posted on my personal Facebook page the other day that hindsight is a wonderful thing! Tho we can't change anything in our past, but if you knew now when you knew years ago, I am sure most if not all of you would say that things would be much better for you right now. But the great thing about hindsight is that you can start making that better you right now! No need to sit and stew about what could've been, start on what you want now! Leave no room for regrets or what-ifs!
I just feel so blessed that I have this chance to do things differently than the choices that I have made in the past, going forward, I just hope and pray that you all can feel and see what I see right now... You are all blessed and HIGHLY favored in God, just walk in it!
Its a new day!
My marriage has not always been a bed of roses, nor has it always felt like we involved the love of Christ in it, but when we made a conscious decision that we were not just married to each other, that we were married to Christ as well, things changed! Not just in our marriage though, but my whole outlook on life!
I posted on my personal Facebook page the other day that hindsight is a wonderful thing! Tho we can't change anything in our past, but if you knew now when you knew years ago, I am sure most if not all of you would say that things would be much better for you right now. But the great thing about hindsight is that you can start making that better you right now! No need to sit and stew about what could've been, start on what you want now! Leave no room for regrets or what-ifs!
I just feel so blessed that I have this chance to do things differently than the choices that I have made in the past, going forward, I just hope and pray that you all can feel and see what I see right now... You are all blessed and HIGHLY favored in God, just walk in it!
Its a new day! the blog