Her Perspective:
Marriage without the third ring
Trying to have a marriage without the third ring will cause you to have worries, doubts and fears in the midst of troubling times, which will lead to a breakdown in communication and frustration. Having God as the centerpiece in your marriage and in your both of your lives gives you a certain ease to know that, no things aren't always going to be easy, but all things will and must work for the good of them that love God and are called according to His purpose.
You have to know that both you and your spouses' goal for your marriage is to please God above everything else because God honors marriage, if your marriage honors God, according to 1 Samuel 2:30 He will honor yours.
But without keeping focus on God it will allow fleshly desires to seep in and allow yourself to disconnect from that third ring, making it easier to allow yourself to disconnect from each other any time something bad happens. If God is not binding you together to one another, what is?
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