Make time for her...

We make time for what we want right? Of course, you do. You want to watch that football game, or sit idly on the computer right?

I know how hard it is to purposefully do something, especially something for your marriage, but it must be done! For years, I lived life on auto pilot, I went to work, paid bills, helped the kids out with their homework and went to sleep. I know how easy it is to fall into that routine of living day in and day out, doing the same things for years on end and not noticing how things drift. Things are much better now, especially since God has shown me myself, but it was not always like this. 

Men, your wives are the field, you can only blame yourselves for the harvest. The effort you put into her is a direct reflection on what you receive. You, man of God, are the head of your household. So why not take time out of your busy day and prove your love and loyalty to the woman whose flesh was formed from your rib. It does not have to be a big gesture, nor that Tiffany's set that she has had her eye on, (get it for her someday though) but show her that you appreciate her body and her mind. Showing her that you love God, shows her that you care for her soul as well.

So go ahead, come off of auto pilot and get involved. I promise you, God will honor the time and energy you put into the gift that he has given you. 


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