Episode 2 of our podcast! Make sure you are subscribed.
Discussing Going thru, and how trials test you. Also, growing in your trial to come out stronger!
Podcast available here!
You'll never establish a (functional) relationship or repair one without communication followed by understanding. It doesn't matter if the relationship is with your spouse, children, other family members or God. When you talk to it, the relationship will grow. In which direction is determined by the energy you place behind the communication Transparency: I USED to think that it was just enough that I was at work all day and coming home, to me then that was relationship enough as I had never seen or experienced anything more than that. A relationship is lit-er-al-ly defined as "a way in which people are connected" It never really dawned on me that I claimed to be in this relationship but I am not really communicating with this person and how they might feel about it. If you look at it this way, I was being selfish with my time, effort and energy but expected time, effort and energy when the kids went to bed (😋) An emotional investment is just that, an inv...
A Valentin's Day Affair! If you are following us on Facebook then you already know, if not what are you waiting for? For Valentine's Day on February 10th next year, we will be hosting a night of fun, romance and comedy for married & engaged folks in the Greater Charlotte area! Tickets are available on Eventbrite.com . Please come out and support our first ever event. There will definitely be more and you are sure to get some great information, entertainment (music and comedy) and food! If you aren't following us on FB, do so here ! You can also sign up for our mailing list on the right. Just click the link to the right to be kept up to date with what we are doing and how we are encouraging married couples!
We've been there, if you are married and breathing you've been there. Anytime you are dealing with anyone else and their own individual opinions some one is bound to get upset, especially when both parties are pretty are set. Arguing, hot tempered conversations, quarreling... Whatever you call it, most people don't like to talk about it. From my experience, having a argument (or heated discussion) is a perfectly normal occurrence in any marriage. There are a few rules though that must be followed if there is to be growth afterwards. 1. Be respectful 2. Keep your tone in check 3. Pray and ask God for guidance When talking to your spouse about a topic that can be pretty heated it is quite easy for a "shady" comment to slip out. Be respectful, be kind and be loving, even when it's hard to! Don't return shade with shade, that's a good way to stifle the conversation and miss out on the opportunity to connect with your spouse. This leads into the next rul...
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